88% of business users back VoIP technology

Nearly nine out of ten corporate users of voice over internet protocol (VoIP) applications are happy with the technology but some businesses are missing out on the benefits it can offer, according to a new report.

Research carried out by Data Integration in conjunction with Extreme Networks found that VoIP telephony systems have around 60 per cent market penetration among big businesses, with 88 per cent of users giving the technology positive feedback, reports vnu.net.

Another 27.2 per cent of businesses intend to implement VoIP communication systems within the next three years, the survey found. However, less than a third of those questioned were currently running IP video over their networks.

According to Extreme Networks’ regional director for the UK and Ireland, this low uptake reflects a “lack of understanding” about the potential of video communication for businesses.

“This [uptake] could be down to the false start caused by early and expensive video solutions, or the lack of understanding of its future benefits,” he said. Benefits of VoIP and video conferencing include reduced environmental impact from less travel and lower telecommunications costs.

The survey questioned UK firms with over 500 employees.